Pork vindaloo with green beans

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Detailed step-by-step description of how to cook the dish "Pork vindaloo with green beans". Try it by all means

  1. Heat oil in a large, heavy-based saucepan over medium-high heat. Cook pork, in batches, for 2 to 3 minutes or until browned. Remove to a large bowl.
  2. Add onion and garlic to pan. Reduce heat to medium-low. Cook, stirring occasionally, for 5 minutes or until onion is softened. Add vindaloo paste and chilli. Cook for 2 minutes or until aromatic. Increase heat to high. Add stock. Bring to the boil. Reduce heat to low. Simmer, uncovered, for 10 minutes or until sauce thickens slightly.
  3. Return pork to vindaloo mixture. Simmer for 3 minutes or until pork is cooked through. Add sugar and vinegar. Cook, stirring, for 1 minute or until sugar dissolves.
  4. Meanwhile, cook beans in a saucepan of boiling, salted water for 3 minutes or until tender and bright green. Drain. Add to vindaloo. Stir to combine. Serve with rice.

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