Raspberry and lychee icy poles

Cooking Vegetarian Raspberry and lychee icy poles

Theres no need to go to the beach to get delicious fruity icy poles.

  1. For sugar syrup , place sugar, water and liquid glucose in a small saucepan. Cook, stirring, over high heat until sugar dissolves and mixture boils. Boil for a further 10 seconds, then remove from heat. Allow to cool.
  2. Process raspberries, rosewater and 3/4 cup sugar syrup in a food processor until smooth. Strain mixture through a fine sieve into a bowl. Discard seeds. Freeze for 6 hours or until frozen. Place the bowl from an electric mixer into the fridge or freezer until chilled. Remove sorbet from freezer then, using a wooden spoon, break sorbet into smaller pieces. Place sorbet in chilled mixing bowl, then use the paddle attachment of your electric mixer to beat for 2 minutes or until smooth. Level surface, then return to freezer for at least 2 hours or until firm. Store in the freezer until lychee sorbet is ready.
  3. Meanwhile, remove seeds from lychees. Process lychee flesh, lemon juice, remaining 1/2 cup sugar syrup and 1/4 cup water in a food processor until smooth. Strain through a fine sieve into a bowl. Freeze mixture, following the same instructions as in previous step.
  4. When lychee sorbet is almost ready, remove raspberry sorbet from freezer. Transfer to a bowl and, using a spatula, beat until softened. Spoon approximately 1/3 cup mixture into each of 6-8 icy pole moulds, taking care not to smudge mixture on sides. Tap moulds to remove any air pockets. Top moulds with lychee sorbet and tap again to remove any air pockets. Place an icy pole stick into the centre of each mould. Freeze for at least 4 hours or overnight, until frozen firm. Remove from moulds. Serve immediately.

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