Spiced fish with barbecued vegetable salad

Готовим Fish Spiced fish with barbecued vegetable salad

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  1. Preheat barbecue plate or a non-stick frying pan over medium-high heat. Combine zucchini, eggplant, capsicum, mushrooms and 1 tablespoon oil in a bowl. Toss to coat. Season with salt and pepper. Combine remaining oil and paprika in a shallow ceramic dish. Add fish. Turn to coat.
  2. Cook vegetables on barbecue plate, turning occasionally, for 10 minutes or until golden and tender. Transfer to a large bowl. Add 1 1/2 tablespoons lemon juice and parsley. Toss to combine.
  3. Cook fish on barbecue plate for 2 minutes each side or until just cooked through. Serve with vegetable salad and crusty bread.

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