Steamed sweet chilli fish

Готовим Fish Steamed sweet chilli fish

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  1. Combine sweet chilli sauce, sesame oil and fish sauce in a bowl. Place each salmon fillet on a large piece of baking paper. Drizzle with sweet chilli mixture. Fold paper edges and turn upwards to seal (so juices won't run out) to form parcels.
  2. Place parcels in steamer basket over frying pan of simmering water. Steam, covered, for 8 to 10 minutes or until just cooked through.
  3. Make cucumber salad Meanwhile, use a vegetable peeler to cut long, thin ribbons from cucumbers. Place in a bowl. Add green onions, coriander and mint. Season with salt and pepper. Toss to combine.
  4. Place fish on serving plates. Drizzle with juices from parcels. Serve with cucumber salad, rice and lime wedges.

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