Pasta with lemony sauce

Cooking Vegetarian Pasta with lemony sauce

Detailed step-by-step description of how to cook the dish "Pasta with lemony sauce". Try it by all means

  1. Sift the flour into a mound on a workbench and make a well in the centre. Break eggs into the well, one at a time, mixing into the flour from the centre out. (Feel the dough, if it is too dry, add another egg. If it's too sticky, add more flour.) Knead, but do not overwork the dough. Cut the dough into strips and feed though the pasta machine several times, starting on the widest setting. Then, feed through the fettuccine cutter.
  2. To make the lemony sauce, mix all ingredients together. Season to taste and add extra lemon juice, if desired.
  3. To serve, boil pasta until al dente, strain and toss sauce through pasta. (Cooked chicken strips may be added if desired.)

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