Green toast

Cooking Vegetarian Green toast

To save time, swap the yoghurt for spreadable light cream cheese. Combine with cumin, chilli, lemon rind and lemon juice and spread straight on your toast.

  1. Combine yoghurt, cumin, chilli, grated lemon rind and lemon juice in a bowl. Season. Spoon into a piece of muslin or clean Chux. Place in a sieve over a bowl. Place in the fridge for 6 hours to drain.
  2. Cook the peas in a large saucepan of boiling water for 2 mins or until tender. Drain well. Return to pan. Use a potato masher to coarsely crush.
  3. Preheat a chargrill on medium. Spray the zucchini and bread with oil. Cook zucchini for 1 min each side or until charred. Transfer to a plate. Cook bread for 1-2 mins each side or until toasted.
  4. Spread toast with yoghurt mixture. Top with peas and zucchini. Sprinkle with dukkah, mint and lemon zest.

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