Grape caterpillars and lizards

Cooking Child Grape caterpillars and lizards

Need inspiration for your kids party Score full marks with this great idea!

  1. Make caterpillars: Using picture as a guide, thread 6 green grapes onto 1 skewer. Repeat twice to make 2 more green grape skewers. Repeat process using red grapes to make 3 skewers. Spoon frosting into a small snap-lock bag and snip corner. Pipe 2 dots on 1 grape at the end of each skewer. Lightly press cachous onto icing to form eyes.
  2. Make lizards: Cut 5mm from the top of each strawberry and discard. Thread 3 green grapes onto 1 skewer, followed by 1 strawberry, rounded side at the end. Repeat twice to make 2 more green grape skewers. Repeat process using red grapes and strawberries to make 3 skewers. Pipe 2 dots of frosting on the end of each strawberry. Lightly press choc bits onto icing to form eyes. Serve.

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