Tomato and pesto tartins

Cooking Vegetarian Tomato and pesto tartins

You only need 4 ingredients to make these tasty little tartlets.

  1. Preheat oven to 220°C. Lightly grease two 12-hole, flat-based patty pans. Cut out twenty-four 4cm rounds from a large sheet of baking paper. Use rounds to line patty pan bases.
  2. Trim ends from tomatoes. Cut each tomato into four 0.5cm-thick slices. Place 1 tomato slice in each patty pan.
  3. Using a 5cm round biscuit cutter, cut 24 rounds out of pastry sheets. Brush 1 side of pastry rounds with eggwhite. Place 1 pastry round, eggwhite side down, over each tomato slice. Bake for 12 minutes or until pastry is golden.
  4. Slip a flat-bladed knife under each tartin to loosen. Place, tomato side up, on a plate. Remove baking paper. Top with pesto. Sprinkle with salt and pepper. Serve.

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