Red-cooked chicken with ginger salt

Cooking Fish Red-cooked chicken with ginger salt

The meat or fish in red-cooked dishes gets its colour from the soy sauce in the braising liquid.

  1. Place soy sauce, wine, sliced ginger, sugar, garlic and 1 litre water in a large saucepan, bring to the boil over medium heat and simmer for 15 minutes. Add marylands and cook for 12 minutes. Add breasts, turn off heat and leave chicken to cook in residual heat until cooled. Remove from liquid (reserving liquid), place chicken on a tray and leave until skin dries. (Or refrigerate chicken, uncovered, for 1–24 hours, reserving liquid.)
  2. Preheat grill to high. Dry grated ginger on paper towel, combine with onions, salt and five-spice in a small frying pan and stir over heat for 2 minutes or until fragrant.
  3. Place chicken on an oven tray, brush with sesame oil, then grill for 10 minutes or until skin is crisp and golden. Bring reserved cooking liquid to the boil in a small saucepan.
  4. Cut chicken into bite-sized pieces and serve with rice, greens and some of the hot cooking liquid spooned over, then scattered with ginger salt.

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