Spicy Caramel Apple Cider

Cooking Coctails Spicy Caramel Apple Cider

This is a great drink for this time of year. It is a family favorite for the Thurmonds. The added bonus is that your house will smell scrumptious!

  1. Combine cider, brown sugar, ginger, allspice and orange in a slow cooker.
  2. Tie cinnamon and cloves in a small cheesecloth bag; add to crockpot. Cover and cook on LOW 2 to 4 hours.
  3. Remove the bag of spices and the orange from the slow cooker before serving. Set aside.
  4. Fill a mug with cider. Spray a dollop of whipped cream over the top and drizzle with your favorite carmel topping.
  5. Enjoy!

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