Plunger coffee

Cooking Vegetarian Plunger coffee

Detailed step-by-step description of how to cook the dish "Plunger coffee". Try it by all means

  1. It is important to warm your coffee plunger before use to stop the boiling water losing heat when it comes into contact with cold glass. Fill a 6-cup plunger (this is sold as a 6-cup plunger but it actually holds 4 cups/1L of liquid) with hot water and set aside.
  2. Let the boiling water stand for 1 minute - pouring boiling water over the coffee could burn it, which would give you a cup of coffee with a bitter taste.
  3. While the boiling water stands, pour the hot water out of the plunger. Place the medium-grind coffee in the base of the glass beaker (this will result in a medium-strength cup of coffee). If you use a fine grind of coffee, the plunger may be difficult to push down into the pot and you may end up with coffee granules in your brew.
  4. Pour the hot water over the coffee, leaving about 2.5cm gap at the top. Use a spoon to stir the coffee. Replace the plunger (but don't yet push it down) and set aside for 3-5 minutes to brew. The longer you leave the coffee to stand, the stronger the coffee will be.
  5. Slowly push down the plunger. If you push the plunger down too quickly, the grains can come up the sides.

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