Stuffed lamb culets with pumpkin salad

Cooking Salads Stuffed lamb culets with pumpkin salad

Stay well fed with this inspiring stuffed lamb cutlets meal idea - ready in half an hour!

  1. Preheat a barbecue grill and flat plate to medium–high. Using a small, sharp knife, cut a horizontal slit in side of each cutlet (don't cut all the way through), then open out flat. Place breadcrumbs and pine nuts in a bowl. Pull off 10 basil leaves, roughly chop with 1/4 cup rocket, then add to bowl. Crush in 1 garlic clove and season with pepper. Crumble in feta and combine. Place 1 tablespoon stuffing mixture on one side of each cutlet, fold over to enclose, then brush with oil. Reserve any leftover stuffing.
  2. Crush remaining garlic clove into a large bowl. Squeeze over juice from 1 lemon, add mustard and 11/2 tablespoons oil. Season with salt and pepper, then whisk to combine.
  3. Cut pumpkin into 1.5cm pieces. Toss with remaining 2 tablespoons oil and tomato paste, then season. Cook pumpkin on flat plate, turning frequently and drizzling with a little extra oil, if necessary, for 12 minutes or until tender. Add pumpkin and remaining rocket to bowl with dressing. Tear in a small handful of basil leaves and toss to combine.
  4. Meanwhile, cook cutlets on grill, in 2 batches, for 2 1/2 minutes each side, then rest for 3 minutes. Divide pumpkin salad and cutlets among plates, then scatter with remaining stuffing mixture. Cut remaining lemon into wedges and serve with cutlets.

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