Smoked tomato tart

Recipes / Fish

Detailed step-by-step description of how to cook the dish "Smoked tomato tart". Try it by all means

Recipe «Smoked tomato tart» presented in category Recipes / Fish, to prepare this dish you will need no more 17 minutes. To make this dish at home by prescription from the author Gomer would need: 4 vine-ripened tomatoes, 375g block frozen puff pastry, thawed, 30g eschallots, peeled, 100g white anchovies, 75g pitted black olives , 100g goat's curd, 1/4 cup cream, 1 bunch basil , 50g mixed herbs, 50ml olive oil, 50ml white balsamic, 250ml spring water, 50g sugar, 2 leaves gelatine.


  • 4 vine-ripened tomatoes 
  • 375g block frozen puff pastry, thawed 
  • 30g eschallots, peeled 
  • 100g white anchovies 
  • 75g pitted black olives 
  • 100g goat's curd 
  • 1/4 cup cream 
  • 1 bunch basil 
  • 50g mixed herbs 
  • 50ml olive oil 
  • 50ml white balsamic 
  • 250ml spring water 
  • 50g sugar 
  • 2 leaves gelatine 


  1. Blanch tomatoes, then smoke over wood chips. Preheat oven to 200°C.
  2. Roll out pastry and cut into 13cm rounds. Bake between 2 flat oven trays, so it doesn't rise, for 12-15 mins. Cool.
  3. Meanwhile, chop eschallots in a food processor, add anchovies, olives and pulse until coarsely chopped.
  4. Cut each tomato into 8 wedges. Spread olive tapenade onto pastry discs. Arrange tomato on top, like a wheel, bake for further 2 minutes. Mix goat's cheese with cream. Finely chop 4 basil leaves and mix into goat's cheese. Spoon on top of tart. Place on plate.
  5. Dress herbs in some olive oil and balsamic and place on top.
  6. Blanch remaining basil in boiling spring water. Drain, refresh in cold water and drain again. Soften gelatine leaves in water. Combine sugar, gelatine leaves and basil and blend. Strain, transfer to a jar, shake well and spoon foam around tart.