Char-grilled artichokes with caper and verjuice dressing

Cooking Fish Char-grilled artichokes with caper and verjuice dressing

Artichokes - delicate and delicious, this rare garden offering is worth waiting for and makes simple meals look gourmet.

  1. Fill a large bowl with water and add the lemon juice. Use a sharp knife to cut the stalk off an artichoke. Cut about 1cm off the top of the artichoke. Peel leaves away until you reach the paler yellow leaves. Cut in half lengthways and use a teaspoon to scoop out and discard the choke (fine, furry part). Place in the bowl of water. Repeat with remaining artichokes.
  2. Cook the artichokes in a large saucepan of simmering water for 10 minutes or until tender. Drain well.
  3. Heat a char-grill on high. Whisk the verjuice, anchovy, capers, garlic and mustard in a small bowl. Add the oil and whisk until well combined.
  4. Add the artichokes to the grill and cook for 2 minutes each side or until lightly charred. Transfer to a plate. Add the zucchini flowers to the grill and cook for 1 minute each side or until lightly charred.
  5. Arrange the artichokes, zucchini flowers and prosciutto on a platter and drizzle with dressing. Serve immediately.

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