Coriander and chilli pork patties

Recipes / Meat

These low-fat pork mince patties are sure to become family favourites.

Recipe «Coriander and chilli pork patties» presented in category Recipes / Meat, to prepare this dish you will need no more 10 minutes. To make this dish at home by prescription from the author Gomer would need: 500g lean pork mince, 1 egg, whisked, 1/2 cup coriander leaves, chopped, 1/3 cup mint, finely chopped, 1/2 cup sweet chilli sauce , 4 bread rolls, split, 2 large Lebanese cucumbers, thinly sliced lengthways, coriander sprigs, to serve .


  • 500g lean pork mince 
  • 1 egg, whisked 
  • 1/2 cup coriander leaves, chopped 
  • 1/3 cup mint, finely chopped 
  • 1/2 cup sweet chilli sauce 
  • 4 bread rolls, split 
  • 2 large Lebanese cucumbers, thinly sliced lengthways 
  • coriander sprigs, to serve 


  1. Combine mince, egg, coriander, mint, 1/4 cup of sweet chilli sauce, and salt and pepper in a bowl. Mix well. Shape into 8 patties. Place onto a tray lined with baking paper. Cover. Refrigerate for 1 hour.
  2. Preheat a frying pan over medium heat. Cook patties for 5 minutes on each side, or until light golden and cooked through. Transfer to a plate.
  3. Drizzle remaining sweet chilli over bun bases. Top each with 2 patties, cucumber strips, coriander and bun tops. Serve.