Peach Fizz

Recipes / Coctails

Come on bring on the heat. This will cool down any hot day, and make you feel like you were in the tropics. This recipe is for ( Time after Time ) drinks.

Recipe «Peach Fizz» presented in category Recipes / Coctails, to prepare this dish you will need no more 10 minutes. To make this dish at home by prescription from the author shef would need: 2 Tbsp sugar, 4 tsp grenadine syrup, 4 slice of peaches, 4 lime slices, 4 mint sprigs , 4 skewer bamboo .


  • 2 Tbsp sugar 
  • 4 tsp grenadine syrup 
  • 4 slice of peaches 
  • 4 lime slices 
  • 4 mint sprigs 
  • 4 skewer bamboo 


  1. Combine peach nectar and sparkling water in a 9 inch square baking pan. Freeze mixture 1 hour scraping with a fork every 15 minutes to make a slushy mixture
  2. Wet top of each glass, and swirl in sugar. Add 1 teaspoon grenadine to each glass and top with 3/4 cup peach nectar mixture. Garnish each with a skewer of peach, lime and mint. Serve immediately