Cooked Egg Nog

Cooking Coctails Cooked Egg Nog

I dont like using raw eggs... so this is what our family has for our holiday egg nog.... it is very creamy and good too.... Depending on your tastes, you can add a bit less milk or a bit more milk... Enjoy.... And.... Happy Holidays!

  1. Beat eggs, sugar, salt, cinnamon and nutmeg together in a large saucepan. Stir in half the milk (3 cups). Cook on medium - low heat, being careful not to scorch, cook, stirring constantly until mixture is thick, and it thinly coats a spoon. Remove from heat and mix in the remaining milk and vanilla. Put in a container with tight fitting lid. Cover and chill overnight or until ready to use.

    *** Serve the eggnog with a dollop of whip cream and a light dusting of cinnamon and nutmeg (optional).
  2. *** You can also use Rum or Rum Extract to desired taste and strength.

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