Cranberry Vodka Slush

Cooking Coctails Cranberry Vodka Slush

A quick, easy drink to make. This recipe makes quite a bit and it can be kept in the freezer for months, as long as its in a tightly sealed container. Ive made this for holidays, family get-togethers, baby showers (non-alcoholic for the mom-to-be of course), bridal showers/bachelorette parties and other events. * "50/50" is the name of a citrus flavored soda.

  1. In a large container, dissolve the Jello in boiling water. Add the remaining ingredients, EXCEPT the soda; stir until well blended. Cover the container tightly, place in the freezer for at least 7 hours (overnight works best though) or until its completely "slushy."*
  2. When ready to serve, spoon the slush into a glass and add 50/50 or Squirt soda.
  3. * If you make non-alcoholic version, stir every few hours so it doesn't completely freeze solid (alcoholic version won't freeze solid with the vodka in it).

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