Orange curd

Recipes / Appetiziers

Detailed step-by-step description of how to cook the dish "Orange curd". Try it by all means

Recipe «Orange curd» presented in category Recipes / Appetiziers, to prepare this dish you will need no more 10 minutes. To make this dish at home by prescription from the author Gomer would need: 4 eggs, at room temperature, 2 egg yolks, at room temperature, 170g caster sugar, 2 tsp finely grated orange rind, 185ml fresh orange juice , 125g butter, chilled, cubed .


  • 4 eggs, at room temperature 
  • 2 egg yolks, at room temperature 
  • 170g caster sugar 
  • 2 tsp finely grated orange rind 
  • 185ml fresh orange juice 
  • 125g butter, chilled, cubed 


  1. Combine the eggs, egg yolks, sugar and orange rind in a 2L (8 cup) capacity microwave-safe jug or bowl. Gradually add orange juice, whisking constantly with a balloon whisk until combined. Add the butter and stir to combine.
  2. Place jug or bowl on a microwave-safe rack or upturned microwave-safe plate and cook, uncovered, on Medium/500watts/50%, stirring every minute, for 7-10 minutes or until curd is thick enough to coat a metal spoon. Strain through a fine sieve into sterilised jars (see note) and seal immediately. Set aside for 2 hours to cool completely. Label, date and store until ready to use.