Omelette, ham and cheese English muffin sandwiches

Recipes / Appetiziers

Dress up wholemeal muffins with a tasty ham, cheese and herbed omelette.

Recipe «Omelette, ham and cheese English muffin sandwiches» presented in category Recipes / Appetiziers, to prepare this dish you will need no more 10 minutes. To make this dish at home by prescription from the author Gomer would need: 3 eggs, lightly whisked, 1 tbsp milk, 1 tbsp finely chopped chives, 20g butter, 4 wholemeal English muffins, split, toasted , 4 slices Primo English Ham, torn, 4 slices tasty cheese .


  • 3 eggs, lightly whisked 
  • 1 tbsp milk 
  • 1 tbsp finely chopped chives 
  • 20g butter 
  • 4 wholemeal English muffins, split, toasted 
  • 4 slices Primo English Ham, torn 
  • 4 slices tasty cheese 


  1. Whisk eggs and milk in a large jug until combined. Add chives and season with salt.
  2. Heat a small non-stick frying pan over medium-high heat until just warm. Add a little butter and swirl pan until foaming.
  3. Pour half of the mixture into the pan. Tilt pan so egg covers the base. Use a wooden spoon to drag cooked egg from outer edge into centre. Tilt pan so uncooked egg comes into contact with base. Cook for 1-2 minutes or until just cooked through. Use a spatula to fold omelette in half. Transfer to a plate. Repeat with remaining egg in 1 more batch. Cut omelettes in half.
  4. Place the base of the muffins on serving plates. Top with omelette, ham and cheese. Top with remaining muffin half to serve.