Easy croque madame

Recipes / Appetiziers

This easy croque madame makes a quick breakfast or lunch treat.

Recipe «Easy croque madame» presented in category Recipes / Appetiziers, to prepare this dish you will need no more 15 minutes. To make this dish at home by prescription from the author Gomer would need: 8 slices Coles Bakery white Vienna loaf, 60g soft butter, to spread, 20g soft butter, for the eggs, 1 tbsp Dijon mustard, 200g Coles double smoked sliced ham, from the deli , 200g Coles brand Australian tasty cheddar, thinly sliced, 4 eggs, 2 tsp finely chopped parsley .


  • 8 slices Coles Bakery white Vienna loaf 
  • 60g soft butter, to spread 
  • 20g soft butter, for the eggs 
  • 1 tbsp Dijon mustard 
  • 200g Coles double smoked sliced ham, from the deli 
  • 200g Coles brand Australian tasty cheddar, thinly sliced 
  • 4 eggs 
  • 2 tsp finely chopped parsley 


  1. Spread bread evenly with butter, to the edges. Make four stacks of bread, with the buttered sides together.
  2. Spread mustard onto the top slice and layer with ham and cheddar. Preheat a large frying pan over medium-low heat. Lift the top slice of two of the sandwiches into the pan, buttered-side down (and filling on top). Place the other slice on, buttered-side up.
  3. Cook for a few mins, until golden brown underneath. Carefully turn over and cook other side. Make sure it isn’t too hot, so the cheddar melts by the time the bread is a nice golden brown. Set aside and keep warm. Repeat to make 2 more sandwiches.
  4. Increase heat to medium-high and melt the extra butter in frying pan. Break eggs into pan and cook for about 3 mins, until the white has set but the yolk is still runny, or to your liking. Top the sandwiches with a fried egg, and sprinkle with parsley.