Honeydew, mint and rambutan frappe

Recipes / Coctails

This refreshing frappe makes great use of seasonal fruits.

Recipe «Honeydew, mint and rambutan frappe» presented in category Recipes / Coctails, to prepare this dish you will need no more minutes. To make this dish at home by prescription from the author Gomer would need: 200g honeydew melon, peeled, seeded, chopped, 5 rambutans, peeled, seeded, 1/2 cup light coconut cream, 5 fresh mint leaves, torn, A handful of ice cubes .


  • 200g honeydew melon, peeled, seeded, chopped 
  • 5 rambutans, peeled, seeded 
  • 1/2 cup light coconut cream 
  • 5 fresh mint leaves, torn 
  • A handful of ice cubes 


  1. Blend the ingredients in a blender until well combined.