Ginger peach fizz

Recipes / Coctails

An easy recipe for ginger peach fizz that combines freshly pureed peaches, white rum, soda water and ginger beer.

Recipe «Ginger peach fizz» presented in category Recipes / Coctails, to prepare this dish you will need no more minutes. To make this dish at home by prescription from the author Gomer would need: 2 cups ginger beer, 2 cups soda water, 8 nips white rum, 4 peaches, peeled, chopped, Ice cubes .


  • 2 cups ginger beer 
  • 2 cups soda water 
  • 8 nips white rum 
  • 4 peaches, peeled, chopped 
  • Ice cubes 


  1. Puree peaches in a blender.
  2. Half fill 8 x 150ml long glasses with ice. Top each with peach puree, ginger beer and soda water. Finish each glass with a nip of rum. Stir gently and serve.