Cardamom, cinnamon and dandelion coffee

Recipes / Coctails

Put your feet up and relax with this aromatic blend of spices!

Recipe «Cardamom, cinnamon and dandelion coffee» presented in category Recipes / Coctails, to prepare this dish you will need no more minutes. To make this dish at home by prescription from the author Gomer would need: 2 roasted dandelion herbal beverage bags, 5 whole green cardamom pods, bruised, 3cm-piece cinnamon stick, crumbled, 500ml boiling water and saucers. .


  • 2 roasted dandelion herbal beverage bags 
  • 5 whole green cardamom pods, bruised 
  • 3cm-piece cinnamon stick, crumbled 
  • 500ml boiling water and saucers. 


  1. Place the dandelion coffee bags, cardamom and cinnamon in a warm teapot. Add boiling water. Cover with the lid and set aside for 5 minutes to infuse.
  2. Strain into cups and serve immediately