
Recipes / Coctails

This espresso-and-dessert-in-one is sure to hit the spot in cooler winter months.

Recipe «Affogato» presented in category Recipes / Coctails, to prepare this dish you will need no more minutes. To make this dish at home by prescription from the author Gomer would need: Low-fat ice-cream or gelato, 4 x 30ml shots espresso coffee .


  • Low-fat ice-cream or gelato 
  • 4 x 30ml shots espresso coffee 


  1. Fill 4 small serving glasses with 2-3 scoops of low-fat ice-cream or gelato. Top the ice-cream with a shot (30ml) of hot espresso coffee and serve. For a real lift, add an extra shot of chocolate or coffee-flavoured liqueur.