Super C smoothie

Recipes / Coctails

Energise and revitalise with this vitamin-enriched smoothie.

Recipe «Super C smoothie» presented in category Recipes / Coctails, to prepare this dish you will need no more minutes. To make this dish at home by prescription from the author Gomer would need: 1 green teabag, 80ml boiling water, 150g silken tofu, 125g frozen raspberries, 90g Henry Jones ® & Co Fruit and Chia Spread Raspberry & Chia seeds , 80ml fresh orange juice, 1 small banana, peeled, coarsely chopped, Small fresh mint leaves, to serve .


  • 1 green teabag 
  • 80ml boiling water 
  • 150g silken tofu 
  • 125g frozen raspberries 
  • 90g Henry Jones ® & Co Fruit and Chia Spread Raspberry & Chia seeds 
  • 80ml fresh orange juice 
  • 1 small banana, peeled, coarsely chopped 
  • Small fresh mint leaves, to serve 


  1. Place the water and teabag in a small jug. Set aside for 5 minutes to steep. Discard teabag.
  2. Place the tea, tofu, raspberries, jam, orange juice and banana in a blender. Blend until smooth. Serve with mint leaves, if desired.