White sangria punch

Recipes / Coctails

A big bowl of punch is the perfect way to welcome guests to your festive feast.

Recipe «White sangria punch» presented in category Recipes / Coctails, to prepare this dish you will need no more minutes. To make this dish at home by prescription from the author Gomer would need: 750ml btl dry white wine, chilled, 1L clear apple juice, chilled, 60ml brandy, 1 red apple, halved, cored, thinly sliced crossways, 1 orange, halved lengthways, thinly sliced crossways , Ice cubes, to serve .


  • 750ml btl dry white wine, chilled 
  • 1L clear apple juice, chilled 
  • 60ml brandy 
  • 1 red apple, halved, cored, thinly sliced crossways 
  • 1 orange, halved lengthways, thinly sliced crossways 
  • Ice cubes, to serve 


  1. Combine the wine, apple juice, brandy, apple and orange in a large serving jug. Add the ice cubes and serve immediately.