Chai lassi

Recipes / Coctails

Serve this lightly spiced Indian yoghurt drink at the start of your banquet or as a palate cleanser between dishes.

Recipe «Chai lassi» presented in category Recipes / Coctails, to prepare this dish you will need no more minutes. To make this dish at home by prescription from the author Gomer would need: 3 x 16g sachets Jarrah Chai Latte Vanilla Spice, 3 tbsp boiling water, 650g Greek-style natural yoghurt, 2 1/2 cups ice cubes, Pinch of salt , Ground cinnamon, to dust .


  • 3 x 16g sachets Jarrah Chai Latte Vanilla Spice 
  • 3 tbsp boiling water 
  • 650g Greek-style natural yoghurt 
  • 2 1/2 cups ice cubes 
  • Pinch of salt 
  • Ground cinnamon, to dust 


  1. Place the chai latte and boiling water in a heatproof jug and whisk until smooth. Transfer half the mixture to a blender. Add half the yoghurt, half the ice and the salt. Blend until smooth. Transfer to a large jug. Repeat with the remaining chai latte mixture, yoghurt and ice.
  2. Divide lassi among serving glasses. Dust with cinnamon.