Ginger & lime lemonade

Recipes / Coctails

This refreshing drink is ideal for a fresh morning start or as a cooler for warm evenings.

Recipe «Ginger & lime lemonade» presented in category Recipes / Coctails, to prepare this dish you will need no more 5 minutes. To make this dish at home by prescription from the author Gomer would need: 1 cup caster sugar, 1 cup water, 1/2 cup lemon juice, 1/2 cup lime juice, Dried ginger ale, to serve , Ice, chopped lemons and limes, to serve .


  • 1 cup caster sugar 
  • 1 cup water 
  • 1/2 cup lemon juice 
  • 1/2 cup lime juice 
  • Dried ginger ale, to serve 
  • Ice, chopped lemons and limes, to serve 


  1. Combine sugar and water in a small saucepan and stir over low heat without boiling until the sugar has dissolved. Bring to the boil and cook for 2 mins. Cool slightly then stir in the juice and refrigerate until chilled.
  2. To serve, pour a little of the syrup into glasses and top up with dry ginger ale. Add ice and chopped lemons and/or limes to the glasses.