
Recipes / Fish

With a little salt, sugar and lots of dill, you can cure your own salmon with minimum fuss.

Recipe «Gravlax» presented in category Recipes / Fish, to prepare this dish you will need no more 20 minutes. To make this dish at home by prescription from the author Gomer would need: 1 tbsp coriander seeds, 220g caster sugar, 145g cooking salt, 2 bunches dill, thick stems discarded, roughly chopped, 2kg salmon or ocean trout fillet, skin on, pin-boned , 80ml vodka or gin .


  • 1 tbsp coriander seeds 
  • 220g caster sugar 
  • 145g cooking salt 
  • 2 bunches dill, thick stems discarded, roughly chopped 
  • 2kg salmon or ocean trout fillet, skin on, pin-boned 
  • 80ml vodka or gin 


  1. Using a mortar and pestle, lightly crush coriander seeds, then transfer to a bowl. Add sugar, salt and dill, and stir to combine.
  2. Scatter one-third of the salt mixture over base of a shallow, non-aluminium container (choose one that is a similar shape to the salmon; a long platter with a lip works well). Place the salmon, skin-side down, on top of the salt mixture, then scatter over the remaining salt mixture.
  3. Wrap entire dish in 2 layers of plastic wrap to seal. Place a chopping board on top. Weigh down with a 2–2.5kg brick or cans. Carefully transfer to the fridge and refrigerate for 12 hours.
  4. Remove plastic wrap. Turn fish over in salt mixture, pour over vodka, then re-cover with plastic wrap. Replace chopping board and weights, then refrigerate for a further 12 hours. Continue turning salmon every 12 hours for a further 24 hours.
  5. Remove salmon from dish, draining well. Discard liquid. Scrape any salt mixture from flesh and pat dry with paper towel.
  6. To serve, starting at tail end and using a long, sharp knife held at a 45-degree angle, cut paper-thin slices, placing them in a single layer on baking paper and ensuring slices are detached from skin.