Glazed spatchcocks

Recipes / Meat

Delicious individual spatchcocks add a gourmet touch to your dinner party.

Recipe «Glazed spatchcocks» presented in category Recipes / Meat, to prepare this dish you will need no more 1:30 minutes. To make this dish at home by prescription from the author Gomer would need: 12 garlic cloves, 4 rosemary sprigs, 4 x 500g spatchcocks, Olive oil, to drizzle, 1 cup quince paste or quince jelly , 1 cup cranberry juice, 1/4 cup verjuice, Pan stuffing and watercress sprigs, to serve .


  • 12 garlic cloves 
  • 4 rosemary sprigs 
  • 4 x 500g spatchcocks 
  • Olive oil, to drizzle 
  • 1 cup quince paste or quince jelly 
  • 1 cup cranberry juice 
  • 1/4 cup verjuice 
  • Pan stuffing and watercress sprigs, to serve 


  1. Place 3 garlic cloves and 1 rosemary sprig into the cavity of each spatchcock, then tie the legs together with kitchen string. Season and place on a baking tray, then drizzle with oil. Roast for 15 minutes.
  2. Meanwhile, place the quince paste, cranberry juice and verjuice in a saucepan over medium-low heat. Cook, stirring, for 3-4 minutes until the quince paste dissolves. Reduce heat to low, then cook, stirring, for 5-6 minutes until thickened.
  3. Brush spatchcocks with glaze and roast, basting every 10 minutes, for a further 45 minutes or until cooked through. (Rotate the tray if browning unevenly.) Remove from oven and rest for 10 minutes. Serve with stuffing and watercress.