Almond and coconut crusted fish on potato galettes with vanilla butter

Recipes / Fish

Vanilla with savoury Better believe it! This butter works magic on crispy fish and potato.

Recipe «Almond and coconut crusted fish on potato galettes with vanilla butter» presented in category Recipes / Fish, to prepare this dish you will need no more 20 minutes. To make this dish at home by prescription from the author Gomer would need: 2 Red Delight potatoes, thinly sliced, 60g butter, at room temperature, 1/2 vanilla bean, split, 4 firm white fish fillets, 50g flaked almonds , 25g shredded coconut, 1 egg white, lightly whisked, 1 bunch broccolini, blanched .


  • 2 Red Delight potatoes, thinly sliced 
  • 60g butter, at room temperature 
  • 1/2 vanilla bean, split 
  • 4 firm white fish fillets 
  • 50g flaked almonds 
  • 25g shredded coconut 
  • 1 egg white, lightly whisked 
  • 1 bunch broccolini, blanched 


  1. Preheat oven to 220°C. Place four 15cm squares of baking paper on 2 large baking trays. Arrange one-quarter of the potato slices, slightly overlapping, on the centre of each square of baking paper to form a disc. Place the butter in a small bowl. Scrape the seeds from the vanilla bean into the bowl and stir to combine, then cut the bean into 4 long strips. Spoon half the butter mixture over the potato discs. Place a strip of vanilla bean on top of each potato galette. Season. Bake for 15-20 minutes or until golden and crisp.
  2. Meanwhile, place the fish on a lined baking tray. Season. Combine the almonds, coconut and egg white in a bowl. Gently spoon over the fish. Top with remaining butter mixture. Bake for 12 minutes or until the fish flakes when tested with a fork.
  3. Divide the potato galettes among plates and top with broccolini and the fish. Drizzle over any extra butter mixture from the tray.