Barbecued fish with coconut noodle salad

Recipes / Fish

Asian flavours are brought to life in this authentic noodle salad with seasoned barbecued fish.

Recipe «Barbecued fish with coconut noodle salad» presented in category Recipes / Fish, to prepare this dish you will need no more 05 minutes. To make this dish at home by prescription from the author Gomer would need: 200g rice stick noodles, 2 Lebanese cucumbers, 165ml can coconut cream or milk, 2 1/2 tbsp fish sauce, Juice of 1 lime , 1 tsp caster sugar, 2 long red chillies, deseeded, chopped, 1 tbsp finely grated ginger , 3/4 cup roughly chopped coriander leaves, 4 x 200g skinless blue-eye fillets, 1 tbsp sunflower or rice bran oil.


  • 200g rice stick noodles 
  • 2 Lebanese cucumbers 
  • 165ml can coconut cream or milk 
  • 2 1/2 tbsp fish sauce 
  • Juice of 1 lime 
  • 1 tsp caster sugar 
  • 2 long red chillies, deseeded, chopped 
  • 1 tbsp finely grated ginger 
  • 3/4 cup roughly chopped coriander leaves 
  • 4 x 200g skinless blue-eye fillets 
  • 1 tbsp sunflower or rice bran oil 


  1. Place noodles in a large bowl and pour over enough boiling water to cover. Stand for 15 minutes, occasionally stirring with tongs, then drain. Remove seeds from cucumbers, then cut into thin matchsticks.
  2. Combine coconut milk, fish sauce, lime juice, sugar, chilli, ginger, coriander and cucumber in a large bowl. Add drained noodles and toss well to combine.
  3. Heat a barbecue or chargrill pan on medium-high heat. Rub the fish with oil and season with sea salt and freshly ground black pepper. Cook the fish for 3 minutes on each side or until cooked to your liking, then serve immediately with the coconut noodle salad.