Pork and potato vindaloo

Recipes / Meat

Detailed step-by-step description of how to cook the dish "Pork and potato vindaloo". Try it by all means

Recipe «Pork and potato vindaloo» presented in category Recipes / Meat, to prepare this dish you will need no more 50 minutes. To make this dish at home by prescription from the author Gomer would need: 1 tbsp oil, 650g diced pork, 1 onion, cut into wedges, 1/4 cup vindaloo curry paste, 1 1/2 cups water , 200g chat potatoes, cut into 1cm slices, 2 tsp white vinegar, salt and cracked black pepper , mango chutney, to serve, 1 Lebanese cucumber, seeded, chopped, 3/4 cup plain yoghurt.


  • 1 tbsp oil 
  • 650g diced pork 
  • 1 onion, cut into wedges 
  • 1/4 cup vindaloo curry paste 
  • 1 1/2 cups water 
  • 200g chat potatoes, cut into 1cm slices 
  • 2 tsp white vinegar 
  • salt and cracked black pepper 
  • mango chutney, to serve 
  • 1 Lebanese cucumber, seeded, chopped 
  • 3/4 cup plain yoghurt 


  1. Heat half the oil in a large deep frying pan over high heat. Add pork, in batches, and cook until browned. Remove from heat.
  2. Add remaining oil, onion and curry paste, and cook for 2 minutes. Reduce heat to medium-low, and add water, pork and potatoes. Cook for 40 minutes. Stir in vinegar, salt and pepper.
  3. To make the cucumber sambal, mix together Lebanese cucumber and plain yoghurt.
  4. Serve pork vindaloo with mango chutney and cucumber sambal.