Frosty the Melting Snowman Cupcakes

Готовим Desserts Frosty the Melting Snowman Cupcakes

Smiles are guaranteed when you “build” these sweet snowmen — no snow required! — with coconut truffles and candy.

  1. Line 2 baking sheets with waxed paper. For scarves, cut fruit roll into 24 (3”x½”) strips; cut notch into ends. For noses, cut circus peanuts into 24 (¼”x1/8”x1/8”) triangles. Transfer frosting into plastic sandwich bag; snip tiny hole in one corner. For heads, pipe frosting eyes and mouths on truffles. Dip wide end of nose into candy melts; attach to truffle. Repeat. Place on baking sheet; let dry.
  2. Working with 1 cupcake at a time, spoon about 2 tbsp candy melts over top, allowing some to flow down side of liner. Immediately, attach head and scarf. Place on baking sheet. Re-melt candy melts as needed. Pipe on frosting buttons; sprinkle with coconut

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