Cranberry Iced Tea Cape Cod Style

Recipes / Coctails

Great for picnics !!!

Recipe «Cranberry Iced Tea Cape Cod Style» presented in category Recipes / Coctails, to prepare this dish you will need no more 10 minutes. To make this dish at home by prescription from the author shef would need: 16 tea bags your favorite, 1 c sugar, 2 slice oranges or lemons .


  • 16 tea bags your favorite 
  • 1 c sugar 
  • 2 slice oranges or lemons 


  1. Put water in large pot, and heat on high until boiling. Add sugar and stir until dissolved. Add teabags and let steep until desired strength is acquired. Stir in cranberry juice concentrate, and allow to cool.
    Sliced citrus for decoration. Not bad if you put a little rum in it but keep it away from the kids !!