Hot Chocolate Peppermint Mocha

Recipes / Coctails

This is sort of a "copy-cat" recipe... Have you ever tried McDonalds Hot Chocolate Peppermint Mocha Well, I have, and I wasnt too impressed. So I went home and made my own and I think this is much better! See what you think... This is a richer, creamier and less costly version of the popular McDonalds product. I love McDonalds, but I have trouble spending $4 on a hot chocolate! Dont you When you have kids, it all adds up! Also, if you are preparing this for the kiddos, cut back on the espresso powder! You will thank me later!
This is a great alternative to spending the big bucks for this delicious holiday treat! It's warm and yummy with a hint of peppermint flavor. In the Test Kitchen, we tried both water and milk. With milk, it's richer and creamier. But both are delicious on a cold day!

Recipe «Hot Chocolate Peppermint Mocha» presented in category Recipes / Coctails, to prepare this dish you will need no more 10 minutes. To make this dish at home by prescription from the author shef would need: 10-12 oz boiling hot water, 3 to 5 drops peppermint extract, whipped cream, marshmallows, peppermint candy .


  • 10-12 oz boiling hot water 
  • 3 to 5 drops peppermint extract 
  • whipped cream, marshmallows, peppermint candy 


  1. Put the tea kettle on and start boiling your water. Open 2 packets of your favorite brand of hot cocoa mix and dump 1 1/2 envelopes (could use all of it if you wish) in a large mug. (I recommend a good brand like Swiss Miss. A good Dutch chocolate is richer! And I use 1 1/2 envelopes to make it taste richer and more full-flavored.) Then add espresso powder and mix up with a spoon.
  2. Pour boiling hot water into the mug and stir until all is dissolved. Add several drops of the peppermint extract and stir. Serve with any topping you like. For instance, whipped cream, a peppermint candy cane, shaved chocolate, marshmallows, etc. Enjoy!
  3. Variation: To make it a little richer and creamier, use milk instead of boiling water. Also, don't forget this can be made for diabetics! Buy a sugar-free hot cocoa mix. They are out there and are very good! You may just have to dispense with all the toppings...but just a bit of whipped cream won't hurt. ;-) Anyway, I found this to be MUCH less expensive than and much tastier than the McDonald's counterpart... I like Mickey D's, but why spend $4 on a hot chocolate-peppermint-mocha?