Mediterranean frittata

Recipes / Vegetarian

This frittata will make an easy dinner, but is also great to pack in the lunch box to take to school or work tomorrow.

Recipe «Mediterranean frittata» presented in category Recipes / Vegetarian, to prepare this dish you will need no more 25 minutes. To make this dish at home by prescription from the author Gomer would need: 400g coliban potatoes, peeled, thinly sliced, 1 medium red onion, halved, thinly sliced, 280g jar chargrilled antipasto mix, drained, chopped, 1/4 cup shredded fresh basil leaves, 6 eggs , 1/2 cup pure cream, 1/3 cup grated parmesan cheese, or vegetarian hard cheese, 2 garlic cloves, crushed .


  • 400g coliban potatoes, peeled, thinly sliced 
  • 1 medium red onion, halved, thinly sliced 
  • 280g jar chargrilled antipasto mix, drained, chopped 
  • 1/4 cup shredded fresh basil leaves 
  • 6 eggs 
  • 1/2 cup pure cream 
  • 1/3 cup grated parmesan cheese, or vegetarian hard cheese 
  • 2 garlic cloves, crushed 


  1. Preheat oven to 190°C/170°C fan-forced. Grease a 3cm-deep, 19cm x 29cm (base) slice pan. Line base and sides with baking paper.
  2. Arrange half the potato and half the onion in prepared pan. Top with antipasto and one-third of the basil. Top with remaining potato and onion. Sprinkle with half the remaining basil.
  3. Whisk eggs, cream, cheese and garlic together in a jug. Season with salt and pepper. Pour into pan. Bake for 20 to 25 minutes or until golden and set. Top with remaining basil. Serve.