Lebanese bread

Recipes / Vegetarian

Make this delicious, exotic accompaniment a part of your Springtime barbecue feast.

Recipe «Lebanese bread» presented in category Recipes / Vegetarian, to prepare this dish you will need no more 15 minutes. To make this dish at home by prescription from the author Gomer would need: 7g sachet dry yeast, 1 tsp caster sugar, 1 1/3 cups warm water, 4 cups plain flour, 1 tsp table salt , 2 tbsp olive oil .


  • 7g sachet dry yeast 
  • 1 tsp caster sugar 
  • 1 1/3 cups warm water 
  • 4 cups plain flour 
  • 1 tsp table salt 
  • 2 tbsp olive oil 


  1. Place yeast, sugar and 1/3 cup warm water in a jug. Stir to dissolve yeast. Set aside in a warm place for 10 minutes or until foamy.
  2. Sift flour into a large bowl. Add salt. Stir to combine. Make a well in centre. Add yeast mixture, 1 tablespoon oil and remaining warm water. Mix to form a dough.
  3. Turn dough out onto a lightly floured surface. Knead, adding remaining oil, for 20 minutes or until smooth. Place dough in an oiled bowl. Cover. Set aside in a warm place for 2 hours or until doubled in size.
  4. Using your fist, punch dough down. Knead for 2 minutes or until smooth. Divide into 8 balls. Using a rolling pin, roll each ball out to a 22cm round. Layer rounds between baking paper. Set aside in a warm place for 30 minutes or until slightly puffed.
  5. Heat an oiled barbecue plate on high. Reduce heat to low. Cook bread, in batches, for 2 minutes each side or until lightly browned and puffed. Serve.