Preserved lemons

Recipes / Vegetarian

With tangy intensity, this adds loads of flavour to tagines and Moroccan salads.

Recipe «Preserved lemons» presented in category Recipes / Vegetarian, to prepare this dish you will need no more minutes. To make this dish at home by prescription from the author Gomer would need: 5 lemons, 1 heaped tbsp sea salt, 2 dried bay leaves, 1 cinnamon stick, Fresh lemon juice .


  • 5 lemons 
  • 1 heaped tbsp sea salt 
  • 2 dried bay leaves 
  • 1 cinnamon stick 
  • Fresh lemon juice 


  1. Wash a 1L (4-cup) capacity glass jar with lid (don’t use a metal lid – the salt may corrode it). Dry. Scrub lemons under cold water. Pat dry. Cut into quarters lengthways (don’t cut through base).
  2. Place sea salt in the centre of each lemon. Pack the lemons firmly into the jar. Add bay leaves and cinnamon stick to jar.
  3. Cover with fresh lemon juice. Seal. Store in a cool place away from direct sunlight for at least 4 weeks. If the liquid level drops, add more lemon juice to cover lemon (if lemon isn’t submerged in liquid, a harmless white mould may appear).
  4. To use, remove the lemon from the jar. Rinse under cold running water to remove salt. Pat dry. Remove the rind and chop as desired. Discard flesh and white pith – they’re too salty to use.