Carrot and apple salad

Recipes / Salads

This easy, refreshing and vibrant carrot salad is made for picnics with friends.

Recipe «Carrot and apple salad» presented in category Recipes / Salads, to prepare this dish you will need no more 5 minutes. To make this dish at home by prescription from the author Gomer would need: 100g walnut kernels, 6 carrots, cut into matchsticks, 1 green apple, peeled, cut into matchsticks, 125ml fresh lemon juice, 65g sultanas , 60ml olive oil, 1 tbsp honey .


  • 100g walnut kernels 
  • 6 carrots, cut into matchsticks 
  • 1 green apple, peeled, cut into matchsticks 
  • 125ml fresh lemon juice 
  • 65g sultanas 
  • 60ml olive oil 
  • 1 tbsp honey 


  1. Preheat oven to 180°C. Place the walnuts on a baking tray. Bake for 5 minutes. Cool.
  2. Place the carrot and apple in a bowl. Add half the lemon juice and toss to combine. Stir in the walnuts and sultanas.
  3. Combine oil, honey and remaining lemon juice in a screw-top jar. Season with salt and pepper. Drizzle over salad. Toss to combine.