Salmon & tomato bake

Recipes / Appetiziers

Grab a can of red salmon, whisk up some eggs and pour onto bread slices for this budget, everyday easy meal.

Recipe «Salmon & tomato bake» presented in category Recipes / Appetiziers, to prepare this dish you will need no more 35 minutes. To make this dish at home by prescription from the author Gomer would need: Melted butter, to grease, 8 x 1cm-thick slices white bread, crusts removed, cut into 2cm pieces, 50g butter, melted, 1 x 400g can red salmon, drained, flaked into large pieces, 60g sun-dried tomatoes , 2 green shallots, ends trimmed, thinly sliced, 8 eggs, 200ml reduced-fat milk , 1 tbsp chopped fresh dill, Mixed salad leaves, to serve.


  • Melted butter, to grease 
  • 8 x 1cm-thick slices white bread, crusts removed, cut into 2cm pieces 
  • 50g butter, melted 
  • 1 x 400g can red salmon, drained, flaked into large pieces 
  • 60g sun-dried tomatoes 
  • 2 green shallots, ends trimmed, thinly sliced 
  • 8 eggs 
  • 200ml reduced-fat milk 
  • 1 tbsp chopped fresh dill 
  • Mixed salad leaves, to serve 


  1. Preheat oven to 180°C. Brush a 2L (8-cup) capacity ovenproof dish with melted butter to grease. Place bread in a bowl. Pour over butter and toss to coat.
  2. Place half the bread over the base of the prepared dish. Scatter the salmon, tomatoes and shallot over bread. Whisk together the eggs, milk and dill in a jug. Pour the egg mixture over the salmon mixture. Top with remaining bread.
  3. Bake in oven for 35 minutes or until just set. Serve with salad leaves.