Boiled eggs with avocado soldiers

Recipes / Eggs

Start the day with a nutritious, homemade and filling breakfast with these boiled eggs and avocado soldiers.

Recipe «Boiled eggs with avocado soldiers» presented in category Recipes / Eggs, to prepare this dish you will need no more 5 minutes. To make this dish at home by prescription from the author sheff would need: 4 eggs, 8 slices wholemeal bread, 1 Shepard avocado, mashed, 1 tbsp chives, snipped .


  • 4 eggs 
  • 8 slices wholemeal bread 
  • 1 Shepard avocado, mashed 
  • 1 tbsp chives, snipped 


  1. Bring a small saucepan of water to the boil. Add eggs. Cook for 4 mins or until soft-boiled. Place in 4 Coles cook&dine egg cups.
  2. Meanwhile, toast wholemeal bread slices. Spread with avocado. Cut each slice into 4 soldiers and divide among plates. Sprinkle with snipped chives.
  3. Serve with a glass of orange juice.