Dippy eggs with cheesy soldiers

Recipes / Eggs

Start the day with a nutritious, homemade and filling breakfast - made by the kids, for the kids!

Recipe «Dippy eggs with cheesy soldiers» presented in category Recipes / Eggs, to prepare this dish you will need no more 5 minutes. To make this dish at home by prescription from the author sheff would need: 4 eggs, 1/2 x 430g Turkish bread loaf, 1 tbsp reduced-fat margarine, 3/4 cup grated reduced-fat tasty cheese .


  • 4 eggs 
  • 1/2 x 430g Turkish bread loaf 
  • 1 tbsp reduced-fat margarine 
  • 3/4 cup grated reduced-fat tasty cheese 


  1. Place eggs in a saucepan. Cover with cold water. Bring to the boil over high heat. Boil for 2 minutes. Remove from heat. Using a slotted spoon, carefully transfer to egg cups.
  2. Meanwhile, preheat grill on medium-high heat. Cut bread in half crossways. Cut each piece in half horizontally to make a total of 4 pieces of bread. Place on a baking tray. Spread each piece with margarine. Grill for 2 minutes or until golden brown.
  3. Sprinkle each piece of bread with cheese. Grill for 1 minute or until cheese is melted and golden. Cut each slice into 4 fingers. Using a spoon, carefully remove tops from eggs. Serve.