Basic poached eggs

Recipes / Eggs

Poached eggs are delicious with all kinds of ingredients - try them served with asparagus, cured meats, smoked salmon, pastas, soft cheeses, salad leaves, tomatoes, potatoes, spinach, field mushrooms, avocados, pestos and mayonnaises.

Recipe «Basic poached eggs» presented in category Recipes / Eggs, to prepare this dish you will need no more 15 minutes. To make this dish at home by prescription from the author sheff would need: 4 fresh eggs, at room temperature, 2 tsp white vinegar, Thickly sliced bread, toasted and buttered, and chopped chives, to serve .


  • 4 fresh eggs, at room temperature 
  • 2 tsp white vinegar 
  • Thickly sliced bread, toasted and buttered, and chopped chives, to serve 


  1. Working with 1 egg at a time, crack an egg on to a saucer. Fill a wide saucepan with water until approximately 8cm deep. Add vinegar and 1 teaspoon salt. Bring to the boil over medium-high heat. Reduce heat to low-medium - water should be just simmering, with small bubbles rising from the base of pan and small ripples across the top of the water.
  2. Fill a bowl with cold water and set aside. Using a wooden spoon or whisk, stir simmering water in one direction to create a whirlpool (this will help to give your poached eggs a neat shape).
  3. Slide egg from saucer into centre of whirlpool, as close to water as possible. Cook for 2-3 minutes for a semi-soft yolk or 3-4 minutes for a firm-set yolk, without stirring.
  4. Using a slotted spoon, transfer egg to the bowl of cold water (this stops the cooking process). Remove and drain on a plate lined with paper towels. During and between cooking eggs, use slotted spoon to skim any foam from water surface. Repeat with remaining eggs. To reheat eggs, bring a clean pan of water to the boil then remove from heat. Add eggs. Stand, covered, for 1 minute. Remove and drain on a plate lined with paper towels.
  5. Serve eggs on toast, sprinkled with chives and seasoned to taste with salt and pepper, or use in one of the recipes on the following pages.