Mint juleps

Recipes / Coctails

Detailed step-by-step description of how to cook the dish "Mint juleps". Try it by all means

Recipe «Mint juleps» presented in category Recipes / Coctails, to prepare this dish you will need no more minutes. To make this dish at home by prescription from the author Gomer would need: 2 tbsp sugar, 2 limes, juiced, 24 fresh mint leaves, plus extra to garnish, 2 cups crushed ice, 250ml bourbon , Soda water .


  • 2 tbsp sugar 
  • 2 limes, juiced 
  • 24 fresh mint leaves, plus extra to garnish 
  • 2 cups crushed ice 
  • 250ml bourbon 
  • Soda water 


  1. Place the sugar and lime juice in a jug and stir to dissolve the sugar.
  2. Pound the mint in a mortar and pestle and add to the sugar syrup. Add the crushed ice and bourbon and stir well. Pour into long glasses and top with soda.
  3. Garnish with extra mint sprigs and serve with a straw.