Strawberry and mango smoothie

Recipes / Coctails

Turn frozen fruit into this quick and easy smoothie.

Recipe «Strawberry and mango smoothie» presented in category Recipes / Coctails, to prepare this dish you will need no more minutes. To make this dish at home by prescription from the author Gomer would need: 1 x 300g pkt Sara Lee Frozen Fresh Strawberries & Mangoes, thawed, 750ml low-fat milk, 250g creamy vanilla flavoured yoghurt, 80ml honey, 1 cup crushed ice .


  • 1 x 300g pkt Sara Lee Frozen Fresh Strawberries & Mangoes, thawed 
  • 750ml low-fat milk 
  • 250g creamy vanilla flavoured yoghurt 
  • 80ml honey 
  • 1 cup crushed ice 


  1. Place half the fruit in the jug of a blender and blend until smooth. Add half the milk, yoghurt, honey and ice and blend until smooth. Pour into 2 chilled serving glasses. Repeat with remaining ingredients.