Pineapple mint slushy

Recipes / Coctails

Turn a bottle of lemonade into an icy slushy with a few clever additions.

Recipe «Pineapple mint slushy» presented in category Recipes / Coctails, to prepare this dish you will need no more minutes. To make this dish at home by prescription from the author Gomer would need: 2-litre bottle lemonade, chilled, 850ml can unsweetened pineapple juice, 1 cup mint leaves, chopped .


  • 2-litre bottle lemonade, chilled 
  • 850ml can unsweetened pineapple juice 
  • 1 cup mint leaves, chopped 


  1. Remove 1 cup lemonade from bottle (to allow room to expand when freezing). Freeze bottle lemonade for 4 hours or until lemonade is partially frozen.
  2. Pour lemonade into a large bowl. Stir in pineapple juice and mint. Serve.