Tijuana tequila sunrise

Recipes / Coctails

Kick back, relax and soak up the Mexican vibe with our seductive tequila cocktail.

Recipe «Tijuana tequila sunrise» presented in category Recipes / Coctails, to prepare this dish you will need no more minutes. To make this dish at home by prescription from the author Gomer would need: Bitters, to serve, 120ml tequila, Orange juice, to serve, Grenadine, to serve, Orange slices, maraschino cherries, fresh mint leaves, to garnish .


  • Bitters, to serve 
  • 120ml tequila 
  • Orange juice, to serve 
  • Grenadine, to serve 
  • Orange slices, maraschino cherries, fresh mint leaves, to garnish 


  1. Drizzle bitters around four serving glasses. Divide the tequila among the glasses. Top with orange juice. Slowly pour grenadine down the side of the glasses. Garnish with orange slices, cherries and mint leaves.