Fang Fanta

Recipes / Coctails

I scream, you scream, we all scream for a screaming FANTA slushie!

Recipe «Fang Fanta» presented in category Recipes / Coctails, to prepare this dish you will need no more minutes. To make this dish at home by prescription from the author Gomer would need: 300g frozen raspberries, just thawed, 3 cups FANTA Sour Watermelon, 3 cups ice cubes, plus extra to serve .


  • 300g frozen raspberries, just thawed 
  • 3 cups FANTA Sour Watermelon 
  • 3 cups ice cubes, plus extra to serve 


  1. Blend raspberries until smooth. Set aside 1/3 cup (leave remaining blended raspberries in blender). Strain into a small bowl. Discard seeds.
  2. Add FANTA Sour Watermelon and ice cubes to blender and blend until mixture reaches a slushie consistency. Pour into 6 glasses.
  3. Top up each glass with a few ice cubes and drizzle over reserved strained raspberry puree. Serve immediately with straws.